Fourth Mobility: Lisbon!

Fourth Mobility: Lisbon!

“...Across seas never before sailed
They even passed beyond Taporbana ...”
in Lusiadas, Camões

On the 18th to 21st of June 2024, more than 60 youth from Italy (Agorà), Romania (Polylogos), France (Theatre of the Oppressed) and the hosting country, Portugal (CAI), got reunited in Lisbon under the main theme taken from a verse by Camões about the situation of Portugal bathed by the ocean: “...Across seas never before sailed - They even passed beyond Taporbana ...”. They had the opportunity to share knowledge, opinions and concerns about the implementation of SDGs and future recommendations.

After the arrival day, the group activities were launched with a meeting point at the Pala do Pavilhão de Portugal at Expo, early in the morning. Everybody gathered in the same place and started with the icebreaker, in order to not only form groups for the following activities, but also to wake up and help the young people to get along.

Then the mobility was divided into two major moments: one at the Lisbon Oceanarium and the other at the Knowledge Pavilion.

The activity at the Lisbon Oceanarium consisted of a group program called “Rings of the Ocean”. The program was carried out by guides (one for each group) in English. This program was designed to challenge participants' knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through a card game played in the Oceanarium’s permanent exhibition. Taking young people to this dynamic activity, where they could address the SDGs and also get to know our seas, oceans and species better, was a wonderful added value.

The Pavilion of Knowledge - Ciência Viva (Living Science) is an interactive science and technology museum located in Lisbon. The Pavilion of Knowledge's mission is to stimulate scientific knowledge and to promote scientific culture among all ages.

The second day started with the meeting point Miradouro Parque Eduardo VII in Lisbon.

The morning consisted of a treasure hunt activity (“pedestrian paper”) around the city centre of Lisbon, where the main objective was for the young people to get to better know the city. They were visiting through the eyes of a young Portuguese person, while enjoying the competitiveness of the game and the work of the SDGs. In this activity, educators from the other partner organisations did not intervene, while the participating Portuguese educators were at various stations in the city, where they would provide clues for the next challenge.

All groups successfully managed to complete all the posts and, despite some delays, all participants found themselves at the final post, at the Cais das Colunas in Terreiro do Paço.