SPGs: Sustainable Participation Goals
SPGs is directed at young people in the EU who will be first-time voters in the upcoming European elections in 2024. With the help of the project, they will become protagonists in their journey of discovery of the European Union, its values, its policies and the possibilities of democratic contribution.Our participants reflect on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, on how politics act or do not act to achieve these goals, discuss them with Ministers of the European Parliament, bring them to the attention of their communities and propose solutions to improve daily life.
In addressing these issues, SPGs offers young people a path of recognition of new skills and empowerment and a chance to experience European mobility to meet other young people who also wonder about their future and may have already found answers to share.

We want young people to be aware that they are protagonists, being able to interact directly with the political decision-makers, and demonstrate to themselves and others that it is possible to be the main actors of a common future.

Project Objectives
All young people are protagonists
Increase skills and autonomy of young people with fewer opportunities, making them protagonists in proposing solutions on key topics for the future of
communities and young people themselves (SDGs of the 2030 Agenda).
Europe from young people to young people
Promoting widespread knowledge of decision-making systems and democratic participation, linking the European to the local level, and enhancing digital skills to spread the commitment (also in view of the 2024 elections).
Educate to participate in Europe
Strengthening youth workers and non-formal education systems in proposing ways and tools to make disadvantaged young people more involved in decision-making processes.
Our plans for the project
Local activities with youth workers, dialogues with policy makers and community organisations.
Youth mobility between partner organisations, reenforcing the offer of youth exchanges for groups of young people with fewer opportunities.
Creating experiences for participants and letting them acquire new skills. Members of the partnership will maintain a supervision function for participants (in particular for youth workers) even after the project ends to help with the implementation of activities on a local level.

Main project results
Guide to the European election for new voters - designed by young people for young people
Used in 2024 for the electoral round, it will remain as a base document, updatable and reusable for subsequent elections.
Recommendation papers for policy makers on issues of key importance for community development
These analyses and observations on "hot" issues identified in young peoples' communities serve as a base for dialogue with locally involved politicians.
"A journey of active participation toward EU elections"
This toolkit for youth workers and educators allows replication and dissemination of the project's path and experience.